Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Spinning Silhouette Illusion

My day was not as juvenile as I had expected. Yeah..guess what I had learned to accept that I am dumb. I am not sure about you either. You must be knowing that it is really trendy to forward all those emails which are already forwarded by millions of people you don’t have any dam idea about.  Specially those emails that have some inspirational message/ quizes and puzzels. The person who sends you those “forwarded” emails feels great proud even if he was not able to solve it.

Today I am also talking about such a visual illusion that my friend send me. At first I thought it was really a big deal as it had claims like the person who can just see it must have a IQ level of 160+. ……lol I am talking about the ‘Spinning Silhouette Illusion’.



In this image depending on yourself you will feel as if the shadow of the dancer is spinning in clockwise direction or anticlockwise direction. People claim that the direction in which you see it spinning your opposite brain to that side is working more …..bla bla……. But it is not!!!!!!! There is no relation between your side of the brain and the rotation. So how does this both side rotation thing work?????


Let me explain it to you. The spinning dancer is actually a shadow. So when it rotates you cannot say which of her side or leg is in the front or which one is in the rear. What we see is just a to and fro motion of legs slowly and almost same with the upper side. So let us suppose you see it moving in clockwise direction, when her legs overlap each other or in other words her body is in sideways position if her moving leg is in front of you think it is in the rear side of the leg that is stable at its position. As it is just a shadow so it will not make a difference. But as soon as you imagine it to be at the rare end it now seems to come towards you rotating in a anticlockwise direction.  Congo ……

You have gained an IQ of above 160. You have changed the direction of spin. Now as this leg will be on the front side rotating in the anticlockwise direction as soon as the cross overlap between the legs happen if you again see the leg coming now from backward direction rather than going backward from front, you can again shift the direction of spin. This shift can happen at every crossover of the legs so you can actually make the shadow oscillate between clockwise and counter clockwise direction. Lol what have you done you can not only change the direction of spin, you can even make her to oscillate. So I bet if those guys who can just see both directions of spin have an IQ of 160+ then you definitely have an IQ of 180+ congrulations man. Hahahaha yeah I don’t expect any girl to understand it even after so much explanation by me. Have a good imagination guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

I have got to admit I don’t write, rather it is my subject that writes for itself I am just a medium. Lately my activity has seen a decline on my blog just like the decline in the US economy unlike it I am joining the Indian economy and trying to regain the lost charm in writing.
As I said I don’t write it is my subject that writes for itself, so I finally got a subject which is a buzz world among the people around me even getting more famous than “Porn”. If you been through this time of your life you might have guessed what I am talking about. It is future more like the “fatureee” in our case. People around me have just got a bump in their ambitions and trust me this bump is more than the jump in the sensex. Though as we all know sensex is really volatile so looks the “bump”. Everyone is trying to make the most of their time, though they don’t even know what the value of their time is. It has been wisely said the best way of using your time is to “do what you love to do” so that at the end of the day you don’t consider your time as a waste.

Try to be like a child. We all say that we miss our childhood days. What was so great about those days?
Let me remind a few things about yourself back in those days:
You never thought of failure even before attempting any feat be it catching a snake. Now you don’t do things you just keep hold of your snake and leave everything behind. We have become so scared of failure.
Earlier we used to question everything and now we simply don’t care. Oh come on don’t give me this shit that you don’t care. The truth is you can’t even if you want to. We used to learn so much in those days and now we don’t even bother to learn.

Who am I fooling you won’t change now. We never respect what we have, and it’s not just males even no one respects present. As we miss our school days and keep maledicting our present days. A time will sure come when we all will be working or studying for alien aims. We will all remember these days. our time now when we have so much leisure time to full fill all our desires but we don’t do anything but just lamenting on the past, keep apprehending about the future and never respect our present.