Boom-boom don’t get excited its not a diwalli cracker nor even a title from venga boys it is the sound herd by people in WTC on sep,9th 2001 and this same sound will rock ur conscience .well time may be the most powerful healer but those memories might not have faded just need to brush them up. According to us news release they were not prepared never had a thought that anyone can use an airplane as a missile. While those fuckkers had conducted a same operation called “MASCAL” using airplanes as weapon and what to tell about the warnings French govt continuously gave warnings of a possible attack but the on arable president went on a month long vacation. Though it is known that the money for this operation was supplied through PAK with a man named Omar shaik with the support of ISI but no one was fucked for it.
Who was blamed for the attack yup it was Osama b laden the well known terrorist so just for now just talk about him, I don’t know why ?but bush and him seems to have been sharing an intimate relationship !!!!!don’t get excited I m not going to prove that bush is a gay but still don’t know why? In jan 2001 bush ordered CIA to back off all the investigation in a case involving the laden family when even they were living in Virginia next to CIA office and the world’s most dangerous threats family for forbidden on grounds of humanity. Well the video showing Benladen claiming responsibility doesn’t looks well enough as his face looks sunken, it becomes difficult to conclude from that video that it was him. it looks that it was planned for him. let’s have another look at their relations Jorge walker bush earlier went to meet Benladens father way back in Arab on behalf of a company called CARLYLE GROUP world’s largest defense contractor and dare to believe me that company had been making huge profits post 9/11.
Let’s be specific about the pentagon tower, Hani Hanjour was a terrible pilot still he managed a 2700 spiral to hit the tower straight away. And what a crash it was in the rubble no seats were found not even pats of plane. The official theory about it is they all were vaporized due to fire in the turbine fuel. It had two Royall’s Royce engine weighing 67 tones each which is scientifically impossible to vaporize. The terrorist were identified through finger prints and passports now what kind of a shitty fire would vaporize steel and titanium but spare human bodies and paper. In fact the owners of those passports are still alive. The video showing the attack in CCTV was immediately confiscated by the authorities and till date it not being released, aren’t they hiding something.
Why to leave behind WTC 1,2and 7.the cause behind the demolition of the building is said to be the pancake theory accordingly fire melted their contact with the inner steel column and they fell like a pack of cards .well if that is to be believed the inner core of 47 massive steel columns must have been standing but I guess superman must have broken them with his punch. if u ask the engineers the building was capable of withstanding 8 Boeing attacks but just fell changed to debris within no time just with free flowing velocity while facing huge resistance from the steel core. Only superman might not have been able to do it he must have been backed by the Bushman. It was amazing that no chair, table and computer … ….. Was found! only debris doesn’t it looked like a demolition of an old skyscraper and those steel columns were cut at an angle as done in planned demolition. But now the Bushman was unable to explain the molten iron found 6weeks after the explosion there. That was a product of thermite reaction forming molten iron and aluminum oxide that flies off as dust; remember the enormous amount of dust storm that looked no less than a rocket launch. And they never talked about building 7 which was not even hit by a plane explained by the fire theory that never happened. Looks like I forgot to mention about the second explosion that happened in the basement just minutes before the plane attack, was that the beginning of the reaction .
And what happened to NORAD it takes them only 10 minutes to track send jets but on that day they got 80minutes still the jets were not flying. Was it the superman flying interrupting their view no……………..?it was the bushman they were operating same kind of live fly hijack sortie. When the 9/11 commissions the asked Bush and Cheney were asked to appear separately they still appeared together and gave the joint statement.
We see only what they wanted us to see through their news agencies and we are made to believe it .And none of us are brave enough to challenge their view .mind me Americans are not that dumb as they tell you in call centers. They are really hard ass motherfuckers. u must be wondering why would anyone do such to its own citizens well there is a grave reason behind that as well wait for a while I will let u know that as well.